Friday, July 6, 2007

"I'm doing it for the Prisons" - Rev. Rule

Apparently it's very easy to become ordained. Why would i want to? Many reasons.

Here are a few as pointed out by

As a Legally Ordained Clergy-Member you can:
Weddings Perform wedding ceremonies. Authorized in all 50 states.
Beliefs Share your personal religious beliefs with others.
Respect Earn the respect automatically accorded members of the clergy.
Tax Free Qualify for tax free status as religious order.
Earn Money If you wish, you can legally charge for the religious rites you perform; including weddings, funerals, services, and more!
Ceremonies Lead, (even create your own!), religious ceremonies and rites as a legally ordained member of the clergy.
Church Open a church to spread the fellowship of believers.
Legal in all 50 States Legal in all 50 states. Some areas may require registration before conducting wedding ceremonies.
Preferred Treatment As a Pastor, Minister, Cleric, Priest, Clergy-Member, Bishop: Ordained Clergy Members everywhere are provided preferred treatment, even price discounts, as a show of respect towards legally ordained religious leaders.
Prison Ministry Visit prisons and bring hope and faith to those within.
Funerals Conduct funeral ceremonies.
Title Choose your own title: Minister, Reverend, Pastor, Cleric... you decide.
...all according to your beliefs.

Will they take my Reverending powers away if i wed inanimate objects? What if they really love each other?

(Honestly I do have a reason and no it's not to save on taxes.)