Thursday, August 9, 2007

Kiva: 'cause you can afford it =)

Here's the deal;

You pick a loan applicant.
You loan money through Kiva, say $25.
Kiva sends your money out in combination with a bunch of other peoples monies.
The applicant buys the food, lumber, goats or whatever the loan was for.
The applicant benefits from the money you and others loaned them.
The applicant repays the loan.
Kiva notifies you on the repayment status of your loan.
You get your money back.
Now, you can now either take your money away, or re-loan it out to another applicant.

It's easy and you can probably afford it.

I'm currently helping Elena in Equador buy snacks, Laurinda in Mozambique buy chickens and Margaret in Kenya renovate her classroom. All that with only $75!

Kiva - loans that change lives